Engaged column

A Blend column is a form element of the architecture.

Glare columns are columns that are pre- faded a wall apparently called. However, as a member they are in solid masonry bond with the wall, they are divided. They are therefore incorporated as half of protruding cylinder into the wall. In Romanesque and Gothic churches they usually serve to accommodate the coming of the transverse arches arch thrust.

But often they have, similar to the flat, square pilasters or the pilasters, not a static function. They are an element of the simulated architecture. Half-columns or enclosed by shear walls colonnades that convey the same impression visually, has been around since the late 5th century BC in Greek architecture. So had the wall tabs in the cella of the temple of Apollo at Bassai half columns. At the temple of Athena in Tegea the half-columns are suddenly placed in front of the wall.

In the exterior Greek temple, the Greeks used the motif about the Pseudoperipteros temple L at Epidauros. Here, a row of columns should be simulated, which did not possess the stamp of long and backs. The Blend columns located this on the outer walls of the cella. In fact, the difference to a Peripteros only at a certain approximation to the viewer becomes clear. But even half pillars columns and double half-columns pillars are the Greeks of the Hellenistic art and form precursors to oval columns and coupled columns. Especially in the theater architecture, the design of the half or glare column is popular. Therefore, the blend column comes as the pilasters next to the artistic enrichment in particular the function of the wall structure to how it is demonstrated in Stratonikeia the Gymnasium.

  • Ornament ( component )
  • Archaeological technical term
  • Column ( component )
  • Architectural element of the Romanesque

Pictures of Engaged column
