English ship Revenge (1577)

The Revenge was an early modern sailing ship, which can be classified into the type of ship galleon and sailed under the English flag.


The Bugkastell 1577 from the stack overflowed Revenge concluded with the hull. Placed on the Steven was a long-drawn Scheg, which closed sharply after the bowsprit. The ship had two decks battery.


The Revenge was in 1588 under the command of Sir Francis Drake. On July 20, 1588 this was the outlet command of Lord Charles Howard of Effingham, who was then commander of the English fleet to fight the Spanish Armada off the English coast approached - Spain and England were at war, and the Spanish King Philip II had sent with invasion intention to England, the Armada.

In the following night the Revenge led the English fleet in the English Channel towards enemy lines - she was the only ship that had their stern light lit above the transom - the other ships followed the lantern. Howard, the pilot signal temporarily lost his flagship out of sight, could add this back later, however, surprised when he eventually had to identify the ship carrying the line speed signal not as Revenge, but as an enemy flagship San Martin. Only a sudden escape into the fold could prevent a confrontation and possible capture. Drake had thus removed his pilot signal at night on purpose so he could single-handedly take as a prize a day before damaged ship of the Spaniards, the galleon Rosario. This earned him 45,000 gold ducats.

On July 25, 1588 Drake continued his original order and cruised with the fleet off the Isle of Wight. On August 8, 1588, the English fleet arrived in the port of Calais. In the decisive naval battle of Gravelines succeeded in Revenge along with the rest of the English fleet to attack at anchor in the port of Calais Spanish Armada. This tried to break through the British lines and was finally taken a severe battering flee to the north - the invasion plan was thus failed. The Revenge could sail back to England.

1590 Revenge was then the flagship of Vice Admiral Richard Grenville, who was awarded under Admiral Howard the order to attack the Spanish silver fleet in the Azores. The Association met with Flores on 53 Spanish ships. In the subsequent battle and a subsequent storm the Revenge sank along with 16 other ships - Grenville died on September 15, 1591 on the high seas.

Poetry and music

At the final battle of the ship wrote Alfred Lord Tennyson, the ballad The Revenge, A Ballad of the Fleet. It was set to music by Charles Villiers Stanford for four-part chorus and orchestra.

Also the song Lord Grenville Al Stewart refers to this last battle of Revenge.
