
Entoria is a figure in Roman mythology. According to tradition, she was the daughter of an old Italian compatriot and lover of the god Saturnus, with which they begat Janus, Hymnus, Faustus and Felix.


In Plutarch the ascribed Parallela minora is told that Saturnus Entorias father taught the preparation of wine and told him to show this also its neighbors. This thought in the intoxicated state that the wine would poison them and therefore stoned compatriot, whereupon Entorias four sons of grief hanged.

Later, the Romans were afflicted by a plague. The oracle of Apollo commanded them to propitiate the angry Saturnus and the shadows of wrongly perished, because the plague was a punishment for the crime committed against this injustice. Therefore Lutatius Catulus was a temple of Saturn on the Tarpeian rock and build it up an altar with four faces. The Janus he dedicated the month of January. Finally Saturnus Entorias father and sons replied to the sky, where they form the star group of winemakers ( προτυγητῆρες protrygeteres ).


In pseudo - Plutarch the story appears to arise under the title " Ikarios hosted Dionysos ", allegedly from the Erigone of Eratosthenes of Cyrene. The similarities between the legend of Entoria and the myth of Ikarios, the Athenian culture-hero and inventor of winemaking, and his daughter Erigone are pronounced. However, in the Greek version of sons of Dionysus out of the question and also the etiological, Rome - related part, the foundation of the Saturnus Temple is concerning, missing of course.

Regarding the Verstirnung the Father and his grandson, so was the star Vindemiatrix ( " grower " ), whose heliacal rising occurs in early autumn, in ancient times as Vindemiator ( " winery ", Greek προτρυγητήσ ) known. The star is mentioned by this name even when Aratus of Soli.

Pseudo- Plutarch, who speaks of a group of stars, thereby relying on the Phainomena of Critolaus, an otherwise unknown author. According to him, the rising of the star group announce to the vintage of the Janus corresponding star appear here first. This group of five stars may correspond to the in the Arab astronomy Al Awwa ( " crier " ) constellation referred to the next Vindemiatrix ( ε Virginis ) the stars Zavijava ( β Virginis ), Zaniah ( η Virginis ), Porrima, ( γ Virginis ) and Minelava ( δ Virginis ) in the constellation of Virgo belong. Consequently, Janus would be identified as Zavijava ( β Virginis ) because its heliacal rising occurs in early September before Vindemiatrix.

A Lutatius Catulus, which would be dated as the builder of the Temple of Saturn in the earliest history of Rome is, apparently invented as the Lutatier were a plebeian gene whose representatives politically came into power only from the 3rd century BC in Rome. However, there was a Quintus Catulus Lutatius, the BC had 78 built the Temple of the Saturnus neighboring tabularium for the Roman State Archives.


  • Plutarch Parallela minora 9 ( Online)