Epicormic shoot

Greed or avarice drives ( Irxentrieb, Irxenbrut, axillary shoot, Augäste, But teeth) are mostly barren side shoots that grow from the leaf axils between summer drive and petiole of some plants, such as in vine, tobacco or tomato.

Avarice drives are no water shoots.


Tomatoes avarice should be canceled as soon as possible cautious ( ausgegeizt ) are. It is important to make sure that the trunk is not damaged. Tomatoes avarice can unfold the size of a tribe and take the plant so much power.

Medium tomatoes avarice

Double tomato avarice


Avarice drives in the vine ( Irxentriebe, Irxenbrut, axillary shoots, Augästen ) are side shoots of green summer drive, during the growing season in the leaf axils of an inner drive system (also known as summer bud although no bud is visible) emerge. Developing this early in the growing season, so they form an additional sheet surface, the assimilates are mainly shifted to the grapes of the main stem.


Avarice drives have the same structure as the green annual shoot and also make their organs. By the later start of development all organs can be made smaller and the maturity will be appointed later. The maturity of the wood is often insufficient, especially if the formation of the H drive starts late. Forward developing grapes are small and their number depends on the grape variety and the annual weather conditions. Avarice drives only be used in exceptional cases for pruning.

On the Triebener avarice drive next to a developing bud (eye). After maturation until the fall of this can drive out in the following spring.

Avarice grapes ( sour grapes ) on a comparison engine in the autumn after leaf fall.


In the earlier conventional floor culture, the avarice shoots removed as early as possible. It was believed that they were a competitor to the main stem. Of these, the name comes greed drive. Experiments in the 1960s and 1970s, you know better about the function and benefits of these instincts about it. They promote the ripening of the grapes of a shoot and are therefore not removed. Avarice drives are only there, where they contribute in the grape zone to deciduous compression to reduce the promotion of fungal diseases.

Avarice grapes

In good years, about 100-400 kg avarice grapes ( Herling ) can be harvested per hectare. The harvest is time consuming and is not performed in most cases. In very early years, the avarice grapes can be a welcome Supplier of acid to acid- poor young wines. Some winemakers use the wine that is produced from grapes avarice, to produce a brandy.
