Eremo delle Carceri

The Hermitage delle Carceri is a small monastery in a steep forest gorge at the Monte Subasio, in Umbria, Central Italy, 791 meters high and four kilometers from Assisi. The stairs and arches of the small monastery span the Devil's Hole, a cave.

At this cave, next to a small chapel, the later canonized Francis of Assisi in the 13th century as other hermits withdrew before him in prayer when he sought the silence. Probably Francis received around 1215, the chapel and location of Benedictines given, at the same time as she gave him the Portiuncula in the valley below Assisi. Francis returned in later years again and again to this place to pray and meditate back. At a stone bridge still stands the oak, whose branches the birds were sitting, where legend has it preached by St. Francis.

Around 1400 was Bernardine of Siena build at this location a small monastery and a small church called Santa Maria delle Carceri, which extended the previously existing chapel.

Today the monastery is inhabited by some Franciscans and is open to visitors.
