Erlinsbach, Solothurn

Erlinsbach SO seen over the Erzbachbrücke of Erlinsbach AG

Obererlinsbach is a municipality in the district of Gösgen the canton of Solothurn in Switzerland.

It was formed on 1 January 2006 by the merger of two former municipalities Niedererlinsbach and Obererlinsbach.

With the neighboring community Erlinsbach AG consists in various areas of close cooperation. Thus, kindergarten and elementary school operated jointly by aargauischem curriculum.

Coat of arms


The coat of arms of the former municipality Niedererlinsbach been supplemented by the two stars, which represent the two parts of municipalities.

About Name

On the one hand Obererlinsbach belongs to the canton of Aargau and on the other side of the canton of Solothurn. In Obererlinsbach Aargau, the population is mainly reformed and catholic in Solothurn Canton part. They had, therefore, in the valley two churches. On Sunday, the Erlinsbacher went obediently to the fair, everyone remained on his part of the canton. The Chilewäägli was partially exactly along the river, which marks the boundary between cantons. Since you could not accept the other's confession, reviled looking at each other across the creek. The old Erlinsbacher got excited so much that they spat over the stream ( speuzen in Swiss German ). In the surrounding villages, the residents knew about those unsightly custom of Erlinsbacher to church decision and therefore spoke of the Speuzer if you meant the Erlinsbacher. In the region the nickname Speuz has survived to the present day.


Interior of the Catholic Church

Restaurant Löwen


Meeting house
