Erythema ab igne

Erythema from igne ( altgr. - lat. For, redness of Fire ' ), also known as Buschke - Hitzemelanose or caloric called hyperpigmentation, is a net-like colored skin redness (erythema ), which is caused by prolonged exposure to heat on the skin. From a chronic erythema igne from a malignant tumor may develop after many years.


When erythema from igne not it is a burning of the skin. For the applied temperatures in the range of 43 to 47 ° C is not high enough. They lie below the threshold of burns. The heat is " pleasant " to " barely tolerable " perceived as. In acute cases the redness for hours stops and then usually disappears again completely. Erythema from igne is usually completely painless. Some patients of mild itching or a burning sensation. In chronic exposure to heat, the erythema from igne brownish color. It is then irreversible. It formed telangiectasia, changes in skin pigmentation, superficial Hautschuppungen and atrophy. After several years, the chronically irritated skin the starting point for a cancer of the skin, squamous cell carcinoma ( Spinalom ) or Merkel cell carcinoma, be.


Previously erythema from igne especially in forging, glass blowers and heaters of steam locomotives was observed. For bakers and chefs, it is a frequently observed occupational disease to the Armunterseiten. This image has largely changed in modern times. Causes are now mainly hot water bottles, heating pads or electric blankets, laptops on their laps and false tempered or controlled seat heaters in motor vehicles. In the English literature General erythema from igne is often referred to as toasted skin syndrome.

The pathophysiology of erythema from igne is largely unclear. It is assumed that the infrared radiation changes in the elastic fibers of the skin causes the radiation-damaged skin to which are similar.


Erythema from igne can be diagnosed based on the characteristic appearance and history matching. Chemical and toxic hyperpigmentation as well as allergic contact eczema are to be excluded in the differential diagnosis.


By avoiding the heat source, the pigmentation of the skin may gradually decline again. In many cases, this atrophy is not complete. There are reports of successful treatment with topical 5 -fluorouracil, in which the epithelial changes of the skin could be eliminated.

History of Medicine

Erythema from igne has been known since time immemorial. Initial reports from the modern era come from the UK. The cause was peat stoves here. The German dermatologist Abraham Buschke called erythema from igne in 1911 in a paper on the influence of light on syphilitic leukoderma heat melanosis. In his honor, the erythema from igne today Buschke - Hitzemelanose called.

Pictures of Erythema ab igne
