ESO 510-G13

ESO 510- G13 is a about 150 million light years distant spiral galaxy in the constellation Hydra. Your to be seen in edge position dust disk is bent very striking, suggesting that she was with another galaxy in interaction. Especially by the lying in the disk dark clouds that are in front of the stars of the vast, bright bulge, this structure is highlighted. This striking warp -called bending of the disc was first observed by the European Southern Observatory in Chile and is quite unusual, as this does not normally occur in starry inner galactic disk, but existing in poor star of neutral hydrogen outside areas. The exact cause of the strongly warped disk of ESO 510- G13 is not known. You could either be caused by the flyby of an equally large galaxy or be the remnant of a merger with a small galaxy.

In the outskirts of the disk are located in star-forming regions numerous young blue giant stars, which show a high rate of star formation. This starburst may have been too excited by a galaxy collision, which compressed the interstellar matter.
