Estatic Fear

Estatic Fear is a band from Austria. The band is the doom metal and gothic metal, whereof they combine classical melodies with elements of Doom and Gothic Metal. You will use also instruments such as lute, flute, piano and cello. In their lyrics the band expressed primarily of misery and depression.


Estatic Fear Founded in 1994, the band released their first album in 1996 Somnium Obmutum, a doom metal epic, which consists of two short instrumental pieces and two long pieces. The album was recorded by the media as well as of Doom Metal fans with great interest.

Almost three years later took Matthias Kogler, who appeared earlier under the pseudonym Calix Misery, the second album A Sombre Dance with some guest musicians on. He used many elements from the folk, unlike the first album. The titles are called Chapter I to Chapter IX and intended as a chapter of a story told by the album, to be interpreted. Although the commercial success failed to materialize, Estatic Fear reached cult status with their second album.


  • Somnium Obmutum ( 1996 CCP Records)
  • A Sombre Dance ( 1999 CCP Records)