Etta Palm d'Aelders

Etta Lubina Johanna Palm Aelders (* April 1743 in Groningen, † March 28, 1799 The Hague) was a Dutch feminist and active during the French Revolution. She held on December 30, 1790, the speech Sur l' injustice of Loix en faveur des Hommes, Femmes au depens de (over the injustice of the laws that the men prefer to the disadvantage of women), before the French National Convention.


  • Sur l' injustice of Loix en faveur des Hommes, Femmes au depens de, in The French Revolution and Human Rights: A Brief Documentary History, translated, edited and with an introduction by Lynn Hunt ( Bedford / St Martin's. Boston / New York ), 1996, 122-23.
  • . Appel aux Francoise sur la régénération of moeurs, et nécessité de l' influence des femmes dans un gouvernement libre, L' imprimerie du Cercle Social, (probably ) July, 1791, facsimile in: Les femmes dans la révolution Française, T. 2, Paris, Edhis, 1982 and on Gallica