Ettingshausen effect

Under the name Ettingshausen - Nernst effect two physical effects are known, which are considered in electrodynamics and thermodynamics.

  • A first Nernst Ettingshausen effect is defined as the phenomenon that the magnetic field, an electric voltage is created perpendicular to the heat flow and at right angles under the action of a magnetic field to a flow of heat in an electrical conductor. This effect is one of the thermoelectric effects and constitutes the thermal analog of the Hall-effect
  • 2 the Nernst - Ettingshausen effect relates to the phenomenon that a transverse temperature difference formed by the action of a magnetic field to an electrical current in a conductor. This effect is one of the thermo-magnetic phenomena.

The effects are named after the physicists Albert von Ettingshausen and Walther Nernst, who as a student at v. Ettingshausen in Graz in 1886 conducted research in this area and the subject in 1887 deepened in his doctoral thesis at Friedrich Kohlrausch in Würzburg.

Occasionally, the names of the scientists also reversed ( Nernst - Ettingshausen effect) or misspelled (often: Ettinghausen ).

Pictures of Ettingshausen effect
