Eugen Sterpu

Eugen Sterpu ( Neckname Gicu ) ( born June 10, 1963 in Dămăşcani, Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic ) is an Estonian artist. He lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia.


Eugen Sterpu studied from 1975 to 1981 at the Art Academy in Moldova and from 1981 to 1989 at the Eesti Riiklik Kunstiinstituut (since 1989 Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ). He specialized in sculpture. From 1984 to 1995 he taught at the art school in Moldova. Sterpu speaks Romanian, Russian, Estonian and French.


Sterpu has a special and peculiar way of working, to work with pastel colors invented. He draws on sand paper and used paint it. As a result, the colors are very strong and clear. For each image, a matching mat is used and thus the contrast and clarity of the colors come to the fore nuanced. The training in sculpture has deepened Sterpus understanding of architecture and which is also reflected in his works. Through this technique arises when viewing his works a three-dimensional impression. The opinions regarding his works are different. Some consider him a Surrealist, others for a post-modernists.


The works of Eugen Sterpu issued in Moldova, Romania, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Russia.


Eugen Sterpu is a member of Eesti art Nike Liit ( Association of Artists of Estonia ).


Eugen Sterpu is married to Viive Sterpu
