Eunice Gayson

Eunice GAYSON ( born March 17, 1931 in London) is a British actress.


In her most famous role she plays as Sylvia Trench, the girlfriend of James Bond in the first two James Bond films Dr. No and From Russia With Love. It was originally considered for the role of Miss Moneypenny, which was then, however, embodies Lois Maxwell. It was initially planned that it should occur in Bond films regularly ( running gag should be that Bond is always before it comes to intimacy with her, called to his next job ). The role of the trench was then Sylvia but dropped. As with almost all actresses who appeared in the first two Bond films, her voice has been replaced by an unnamed actress. But hear their own voice in the original trailer of Dr. No.

Gaysons daughter appeared decades later in a casino scene in the 1995 Bond film GoldenEye rotated.

Filmography (selection)
