Euphorbia characias

Palisade spurge ( Euphorbia characias )

The palisade spurge ( Euphorbia characias ) is a plant of the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbia ) in the family of Euphorbiaceae ( Euphorbiaceae ).


This perennial herbaceous plant with woody base is usually hairy and contain like all euphorbia species a white milky sap. It reaches heights of growth from 30 to 100 cm. The strong, upright stems are unbranched and densely leafy above. The ganzrandigen leaves are linear - lanceolate and up to 13 inches long and up to 1 inch wide.

The large inflorescence is terminal. The bracts are roundish to triangular and fused into a cup-shaped yellowish green glow bloom. The four nectar glands are kidney-shaped and reddish brown. The dreifächrige capsule fruit is hairy.

The flowering period extends from February to July.


The palisade spurge preferred location Macchien, Garigues, fallow and pastures, small woods and path sides.

The species is distributed in two geographically separate subspecies. The subspecies Euphorbia characias subsp. characias is distributed from Portugal to Italy and Crete. The subspecies Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii ( Hoppe) A.R.Sm. comes from the south of France before to Asia Minor.
