European Civil Service

EU officials are State officials from the European Union that solve different tasks. Check, for example, EU candidate countries and report back. The officers work around for the European Commission, the European Parliament or the Council, in which the Member States are represented. Enjoy immunity in connection with the performance of their duties. EU officials are entrusted according to their authority with the execution and control of European law and often working with the Member States. Thus, the Commission monitors compliance with the EU treaties and may proceed in the same legal action against companies such as against individual governments.


EU officials are specifically a special European legal statute.

The content development is defined by means of an index according to the purchasing power. Against the mature on January 1, 2012 Salary Increase want to complain several EU governments.

Those who are not employed according to an EU official, status ( Agents contractuels ) are also excluded from the estimates given by the respective labor or social security laws of their country of residence or secondment Policy.

In the union Union Syndicale 1,067 of the 10,000 EU civil servants are members who are employed in Luxembourg.

EU officials are exempt from national income taxes. Instead, their salaries are subject to a progressive community tax, which is dependent on the content between 8 and 45 percent and is fed back to the EU budget.

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