European Humanities University

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The European Humanitarian University (Russian Европейский гуманитарный университет; lithuanian гуманітарны Europos humanitarinis universitetas, Belarusian Еўрапейскі ўніверсітэт ) is a private university in Lithuania. The approximately 1600 students come mostly from Belarus.

The language of most events is Russian.


The EHU was founded in Minsk in 1992 as a private university by the philosopher Anatoli Mikhailov, to create a non-ideological place for science after the collapse of the USSR. Was taught in Russian, English, French or German.

In June 2005, the EHU by Belarus ( where it was closed for political reasons in 2004 ) moved to Vilnius and is out there as a temporary exile university.


The EHU is a private university and offers its students bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in social sciences, humanities and law at.

Students and teaching

At the EHU are currently studying about 1,800 students, of whom nearly 700 study directly in Vilnius. The remaining 1,100 students take advantage of the possibility of distance learning. Thus, the EHU is the largest Belarusian distance learning university.

In Belarus, the graduates and students work as researchers, lawyers or journalists. From Belarus from complete two -thirds of all students of EHU Distance Learning Programs. These are available on the used worldwide online platform Moodle. The other third is studied and lives in Vilnius.

The campus of the EHU is located just 35 kilometers away from the border. So students can also attend seminars on campus. In cooperation with the Lithuanian government, the students of EHU grant residence permits for their studies in Lithuania.


Since its inception, the EHU linked numerous collaborations with German institutions such as the Goethe Institute and the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD). After moving these collaborations were revived and helped that the EHU was able to build a center for studies Germany again. This center will be in the near future at a regional center of excellence in German language, culture, history and philosophy.

To date, the University relies on donations.
