
Nannochloropsis sp.

The Eustigmatales are an order of photosynthetically active protozoa from the group of Stramenopilen.


The representatives are coccoid unicellular or form colonies. They have a cell wall. The plastids have a girdle lamella. The endoplasmic reticulum of the plastid membrane has a connection with the outer nuclear membrane. The DNA of plastids has a Genophor from the ring type.

Among the plastid pigments include chlorophyll a, violaxanthin and Vaucherioxanthin.

Enthusiast cells have two flagella, one of which forwards the other facing backwards. The cells have four kinetosomes microtubular roots and a large, striped kinetosomes root ( Rhizoplast ).


The Synurales are one of the groups of Stramenopile. Among these genera are counted among others, the following:

  • Botryochloropsis
  • Eustigmatos
  • Monodopsis
  • Nannochloropsis
  • Pseudocharaciopsis
  • Vischeria