
Eutychides (Greek Εὐτυχίδης ) was from Sicyon originating in Greece sculptors of antiquity.

He was a pupil of Lysippus. According to Pliny the Elder, he was in the 121st Olympiad, that is, at least in the years 296-293 BC Among his works, the Tyche of Antioch on the Orontes is the only one on the basis of Münzdarstellungen the patron goddess of the ancient Roman stock copies could be tapped, even if these details represent different. A reduced copy is located in the Vatican Museums. It depicts the goddess of Antiochus I of the newly founded city on a rock sitting, crowned by a reinforced city wall towers, the personified river Orontes at her feet. Tyche was considered a famous work of Eutychides and was still standing in the time of Pausanias in the 2nd century AD with the inhabitants of Antioch in high esteem. In another of his works are the statue of an Olympic winner and the portrait of the river god Eurotas, which was particularly highlighted because of its depiction of flowing water, survived.
