Eva Silverstein

Eva Silverstein ( born October 24, 1970) is an American physicist who is engaged in theoretical particle physics and string theory.

Silverstein studied at Harvard University ( BA 1992) and received his doctorate from Princeton University in 1996 with Edward Witten. As a post - doctoral student, she was at Rutgers University and in 1999 at the Institute for Advanced Study. In 1997, she was Assistant Professor, Associate Professor in 2001 and Professor in 2006 at SLAC, Stanford University. 2009/2010 she was at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics ( KITP ), University of California, Santa Barbara.

It addressed, among others, within string theory, with mechanisms for inflation ( with D- brane dynamics), Dark Energy and models for cosmological constant, resolution of specific space-time singularities ( with condensation closed tachyon ), with supersymmetry breaking extensions of the AdS / CFT correspondence ( with Kachru ).

In 1999 she became MacArthur Fellow and Sloan Fellow and received the Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the Department of Energy and the Bergmann Memorial Award.

She is married to the string theorist Shamit Kachru, with whom she also co-operates much.


  • Silverstein TASI Lectures on Moduli and Microphysics, 2004
  • With McAllister String Cosmology - a review, Gene. Rel Grav 40, 2008 565