Evert Willem Beth

Evert Willem Beth (* July 7, 1908 in Almelo (Netherlands), † April 12, 1964 in Amsterdam) was a Dutch logician and philosopher.

He was a teacher at secondary schools and from 1946 to 1964 professor of mathematical logic, history of logic and philosophy of science at the University of Amsterdam.

Beth developed semantic tables, known as Beth- Tableaux as a syntactic method for the treatment of semantic problems of logic calculi.

Works (selection)

  • De wijsbegeerte the wiskunde van Parmenides dead Bolzano. Standaard Boekhandel, Antwerp 1944.
  • Symbolic logic and foundations of the exact sciences ( Bibliographical Introduction to the Study of Philosophy). Francke, Bern 1948.
  • Les Fondements logiques of Mathématiques. , 1950.
  • The Foundations of Mathematics. Standaard Boekhandel, Amsterdam 1959.
  • Jean Piaget: pistémologie mathématique et psychologie. Essai sur les relations entre la la pensée et logique formal réelle. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1961.
  • Mathematical Thought. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics. Reidel, Dordrecht 1965.