Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician

Exploits and opinions of Doctor Faust Roll, pataphysician is a term coined by the desire to absurdity and paradox neowissenschaftlicher novel by the French writer Alfred Jarry and bohemian (1873-1907), who appeared in fragmentary various literary periodicals 1898-1903. The first complete edition was in 1911, four years after the untimely death of the author, published.

The novel, which includes the French Pléiade edition of just 96 pages, divided into eight books with sequential chapter count. The total of 41 sections of text are often no longer than a page are more sketch or narrative miniature. The work portrays the adventurous journey of ' pataphysicist Dr. Faustroll in his boat ace water from Paris to Paris, accompanied by the bailiff Panmuffel that acts in many places as a narrator or an eye-witness, and the baboon back hump.

  • 3.1 General
  • 3.2 The spiral as a leitmotif
  • 3.3 From the surface of God


As in his other works are also distinguished in " heroic deeds and views of Dr. Faust Roll" Jarry's figures by the type Illustrative increased Entpsychologisierung and depersonalization from. They can be described by a small set of features characterize exhaustively, their actions are characterized by irrationality and acausality, they are changeably and incapable of learning.

Doctor Faust Roll, ' pataphysician

Doctor Faust Roll is the eponymous hero of the novel and is considered his followers as the founder of Pataphysics. In the second chapter of the book ( From habits and dimensions of Doctor Faust Roll) is reported that the doctor in 1898, when the XX. Century (-2) was years old, was born in 63jährig Cherkessia, in an age so that he maintained throughout his life. Of stature he is a man of average height, that is, to be quite truthful (8 * 1010 109 4 * 108 5 * 106) atomic diameters.


René- Isidore Panmuphle [ in the German translation Panmuffel ] accompanied Dr. Faustroll on his adventurous journey. From professional bailiffs in the field, he himself becomes the narrator ( done) in the course of "action" and acts as deputy to the ignorant, scientifically illiterate listener. Torn from his world of rules and protocols, it presents itself without asking for rowers of the boat on which the travel company is located.

Back hump

Back hump, in the original Bosse- de - Nage, the dog -headed baboon fist Rolls, with the presence of which is completed, the crew of the boat. Back hump function in the novel is, above all, to comment on all significant events in the text in the constant way; by adding the only two words he is speaking in French in the Location: Ha Ha and. Especially funny this is the consequence of the implementation:

  • HAHA, baking mogul said, but this time he also wishes to add anything.
  • HAHA said back hump on which he covered himself with obstinate silence.
  • HAHA he concluded, and he lost no in -depth considerations.

The HAHA is a whole chapter devoted ( Chapter 29: Some sinnfälligeren meanings of the word HAHA ), in which it is transferred to an identity problem. HAHA has to be in French a habit to AA, in Jarry's definition of a tautology, where A is equal to A, but A corresponds. Because of this duality is missing the third dimension, so Jarry further, back hump was therefore "for the idea of ​​progress, which bears the image of the spiral in itself, inaccessible. " Bosse- de - Nage also sees itself as a satirical approach of the unloved Jarry Belgian writer Christian Beck, whose Bossi was Schriftstellerpseudonym.

27 Quintessences

On board the As also located next to the three figures, the 27 Quintessences of 27 books from the estate of thumb Rolls - as it were the most important of almost 2,700 years literature - including the 28 book, which, the unfinished manuscript of ' Pataphysics, written by Faustroll itself, the Panmuffel reads in the course of the action. Among the 27 works include the Gospel of Luke as well as Homer's Odyssey. From the Arabian Nights as the eye travels Prince calendar III. with, which was gouged him of his time from the tail of the flying horse, from Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth two and a half miles the earth's crust and from Ubu Roi, the grotesquely comical drama Jarry, whose premiere was in 1896 become one of the most famous scandals of the French theater history, the fifth letter of the first word of the first act ( the "r" in the deformed vulgarism " Merdre ").

The 27 books represent a kind of literary Pluriversum the text dar. quotes, events and names are distilled from them at will in Faustroll, extracted and recycled. Such loudly intertextual it falls to the reader still hard to decipher these references cosmos again in the text: too diverse to comprehensive is the negotiated and transformed literature.


The start of the novel is the reprinted order for payment in accordance with Article 819 of the Code of Civil Procedure including official stamp of the bailiff Panmuffel, which defines the attachment of thumb Rolls property due to rent arrears. It follows the beginning of the journey fist Rolls with the transformation of his bed in a colander, which is both boat and vehicle. The imaginary worlds of the island on which the travel squad encounters chapter by chapter, taken from literary fictions of other authors, artists (eg Paul Gauguin) and musicians who sometimes occur as the kings of the isles in appearance. The journey is therefore similar to a literary odyssey through präsurrealistische head and dream worlds. Also on the linguistic level find it difficult to hold meaningful relationships. The model of ancient, traveling wanderer Odysseus is indeed omnipresent. At the end of the As is self- disassembly ( Faustroll even destroyed his ship and so that ) go under, its passengers, including quintessence and the world of ideas from drowning revealed ( Book 7, Chapter 36 ). What follows are telepathic letters Rolls fist from his new state of being, the end with the chapter " From the surface of God " (Chapter 41) and the computation of God, the classical philosophical proof of God, which is performed here mathematically.

A 1899 of attached appendix closes with " Notes to the beneficial proper building a machine to explore the time."

Is At -, pre- and parent of that main part (chapters 11-36 ) theory of ' Pataphysics in the second book (chapters 8-9). Downstream follow the travel considerations and calculations that go back in part to excerpts mathematical and scientific treatises of the time, so Chapter 37 "From the tape measure, by the clock and by the tuning fork " or Chapter 38 " From the sun as cold body." The trip in the middle part is thus clutching of fictionalized science.

Founding document of ' Pataphysics


Your trailers have the novel - here is less the exploits rather than the views of Dr. Faust Rolls - as the founding document of the " ' Pataphysics " the science of imaginary solutions. Despite its grotesque and sometimes surrealistic trains, the text is characterized by its inner logic closed. He is subjected to an imagined logic levels, and thus in prose written pataphysics, proof of the compatibility of the irreconcilable. In the eighth chapter of the second book there is then the definition of the set of ' Pataphysics of Dr. Faust Roll:

An epiphenomenon is what comes to a phenomenon added. Pataphysics, [ ... ] whose real orthography pataphysics, preceded by an apostrophe, must be to avoid a cheap pun, is the science of what comes to metaphysics added that it was within the same, be it outside of it, and the so far raised just above this, such as those about the physics. Ec: since the epiphenomenon is often akzidentiell, to the pataphysics be above all the science of the particular, even if one claims it could only be a science of the general. You should investigate the laws by which the exemptions are determined and to which about explaining our, existing universe; or, more modestly, it is to describe a universe that you can see and that you should probably look instead of tradition, because the laws of the traditional universe, which is believed to have discovered relationships between exceptions, albeit fairly frequent, represent, in any case, however, between accidental facts that do not even have the appeal of uniqueness, because they are limited to little unusual exceptions.

In short, the ' Pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions, the properties of the objects as they are described by their effect, symbolically associates the basic patterns.

It is further stated in the same chapter:

The current science is based on the principle of induction: most people have a phenomenon often precede or follow another look, and already they conclude that it must always be so. But this applies only to mostly depends on the position and subject to the law of convenience - and yet! If you do not take the law of free fall to formulate the body to a central point, but the theory of ascension of emptiness to a periphery prefer by looking at the emptiness as a unit of non - density, a hypothesis that is much less arbitrary than the setting on the concrete, positive density - unit water? [ ... ] Why asserts each, the shape of a clock is round, which is obviously wrong because it in the profile provides a rectangular, narrow, elliptical three-quarters picture, and why the hell do you take their true form until the moment in which one reads the time of day?

The spiral as a leitmotif

The spiral that was already in Ubu Roi crucial, is also in the neowissenschaftlichen novel gliedernde the structural principle of the entire work. It is the leitmotif of the respective sections and constantly present as a metaphor of ' Pataphysics in the text itself. So Faustroll is itself spirally wrapped in a two-color and printed with spirally moving trains wallpaper, in which he bathes every morning. After his drowning rolled out by coroner, he unfolds in his metaphysical state his knowledge in ever-widening circles to the outside, until it finally gets to answer the crucial question.

This question was asked of course, in the 14th chapter ( From Love Forest). Here asks a tanned, clad in a motley coat man in the middle of a small triangular city Faustroll whose name relationship is just as obvious as significant with the hero of Goethe: " Are you a Christian? " "How M. Arouet, M. Renan and M. Charbonnel " explains Panmuffel. " " I am God, "said Faust roll. " HAHA " said Back hump, without further comment. "

From the surface of God

Faustroll know: God is not dead, but it is mathematically predictable. In a detailed equation he proves that God is the tangential point between zero and infinity, and amount of its structure by a double triangle in the Äthernitas.

" Soit la x Médiane prolongement d' une des Personnes a, 2 y le côté du triangle auquel elle est perpendiculaire, N et P les prolongement de la droite (a x) dans les deux sens à l' infini. Nous avons:

X = - N - a - P. Or N = - 0, et P = 0

D' où x = - (- 0) - a - = 0 - 0 - a - 0

X = - a

D' autre part, le triangle rectangle dont les sont côtés a, x et y nous donne

A ² = x ² y ².

Il vient, en substituant à sa valeur x (-a)

A ² = (-a) ² y ² = a ² y ². D' où y ² = a ² - a ² = 0 y = et.

Donc la surface du triangle Equilateral qui a pour les trois bissectrices de ses angles droites a sera

S = y ( x a) = (-a a)

S =.

Corollaire: A première vue du radical, nous pouvons affirmer que la surface calculée est une ligne au plus; en second lieu, si nous la construisons figure selon les valeurs obtenues pour x et y, nous constatons:

Que la droite 2y, que nous maintenant savons être, a son point d' intersection sur une des droites a s sens inverse de notre première hypothèse, puisque x = -a; et que la base de notre triangle coincide avec son sommet;

Que les deux avec la première droites a font of angles plus petits au moins que 60 °, et bien plus ne peuvent rencontrer qu'en coïncidant avec la première droite a

Ce qui est conforme au dogme de l' entre elles équivalence des trois Personnes et à leur somme.

Nous pouvons dire que est une droite a joint qui à 0, et Dieu définir:

Définition: Dieu est le plus court chemin de zéro à l' infini.

Dans quel sens? dira - t-on.

- Nous répondrons que Son prénom n'est pas Jules, mais « Plus -et- Moins ". Et l' on doit dire:

± Dieu est le plus court chemin de 0 à, dans un sens ou dans l' autre.

Ce qui est conforme à la croyance aux deux principes; mais il est plus exact le signe d' attribuer à celui de la croyance du sujet.

Corn Dieu étant, inétendu, n'est pas une ligne.

- Remarquons en effet que, d'après l' identité

- 0 - a a 0 =

Length est la a Zero Emissions, a n'est pas une ligne, mais un point.

Donc, définitivement:


La Pataphysique est la science ...

This set includes the unfinished novel, which thus remains aware fragment. " The ' Pataphysics is the science ... " It is up to the attentive reader to finish this sentence on their own or not to do it. The ' Pataphysics is the science ... which means the resolution of each option in reality. It makes clear that imaginary everything is possible, what is conceivable. But what is the point as this insight carries the novel continue? What is the moral of the story? Jarry is the answer guilty and leaves open whether the " heroic deeds and views of Doctor Faust Roll, ' pataphysician " parody as an end in itself, provocation, Food for Thought, perpetuierter joke or all rolled into one.


  • Original French text online
  • All German quotations from: Alfred Jarry: heroic deeds and teachings of Dr. Faust Roll [ pataphysician ]. Edited and translated by Irmgard Hartwig and Klaus Völker, Gerhardt Verlag Berlin 1968.
  • Ferentschik, Klaus: " ' Pataphysics. Temptation of the spirit. The ' Pataphysics and the Collège de' Pataphysics. Definitions, documents, illustrations ", Berlin 2006.
  • Scheerer, Thomas M.: fantasy solutions. Small textbook pataphysics. With texts by Alfred Jarry, Raymond Queneau and Louis - Irenee Sandomir, Rhine Bach Untermerzbach 1982 ² 1983.