Extensor digitorum muscle

The extensor digitorum (Latin for " finger extensors ") is a skeletal muscle and a superficial extensors of the forearm. The four tendons pull together with the tendon of the musculus extensor indicis extensor tendon sheaths through the fourth compartment of retinaculum. At the back of the hand, the tendons are connected by bridges ( Connexus intertendinei ) that prevent an isolated stretch of individual fingers (especially the ring finger ). In animals it is called the extensor digitorum communis ( " common finger extensors ").


The extensor digitorum stretches out his hand and the 2nd - 5th Finger to the middle phalanx. Since its tendon end already on the middle tract of Dorsalaponeurosen, he is not involved in the elongation of the Fingerendglieder; this is the task of the Mm. lumbricales. In the animals he is a straightener Vorderfußwurzelgelenks and all supporting toes.

  • Skeletal muscle of the upper limb