
Extremschrammeln (also Neuwirth Extremschrammeln or Roland Neuwirth & Extremschrammeln, formerly Neuwirth Schrammeln ) is an Austrian quintet of new folk music, which was established in 1974. Founder, lead singer and guitarist Roland Neuwirth Schrammelmusik. The music of Roland Neuwirth and Extremschrammeln combines elements of the traditional Viennese song and Schrammelmusik with those of the blues, jazz, rock and contemporary music.


→ Regarding Biography of Roland Neuwirth, see Roland Neuwirth

About The Voice of the Extremschrammeln sings Doris Windhager, she's next to her work at the Extremschrammeln also guest and backing musician with some other bands.

Manfred Kammerhofer, the violinist of Extremschrammeln, Neuwirth learned woman - at that time member of the band - 1979, and became shortly afterwards by graphic artist for musicians. Since 1989 he is a member of the United Stages of Vienna. He also plays as a musician, inter alia, also in old Viennese quartet.

Bernie Mallinger is also a violinist. Since the age of 14 he became interested in jazz and crossover music. In the 1990s he moved for some time in the United States, where he attended several music schools. In 1997 he returned to Austria and has participated in some 50 productions ' of all kinds ' with.



