
As an eyebrow hairy strip is referred to about two inches above the eyes in primates, such as humans. It runs over the orbits.


The following two facial muscles are important for the eyebrows:

  • The eyebrow lift (musculus frontalis), forehead muscle or muscle head cover called, is in full width on the forehead up to the hairline.
  • The corrugator (musculus corrugator supercilii ) can pull the face -center side of the eyebrows down, thus ensuring the frown.

Function of the eyebrows

The eyebrows are used to protect the eyes, for example, from wet, running down on your face, or from excessive exposure to sunlight. They also support the eyelashes. In addition, the eyebrows are important for the non-verbal communication. They support the facial expressions in an optical way and make facial expressions even over distances of a few meters clearly visible.


The eyebrows also show gestures, such as the contraction of the eyebrows, which stands for wonder or for aggression.

The raising of the eyebrows is made possible through the eyebrow lifter muscle. The eyebrows are raised in surprise / amazement, attention or anxiety. It is also an anti-aggression gesture. Clown makeup on her eyebrows often accordingly.

In the conventions of many cultures, the eyebrow raising has a special meaning:

  • Greece, Arab countries and Turkey: "No"
  • Pacific countries, such as Tonga: "yes", the consent
  • South American countries, such as Peru, " Pay me!", "Money"

Grown together eyebrows

When grown together eyebrows ( synophrys ) or Rätzel is called eyebrows that grew together over the nose (English: unibrow or monobrow ). That is, the hairless in most people glabella above the bridge of the nose is also hairy.

Grown together eyebrows can be understood as an atavism. In some areas of the world, such as in Central Asia along the eyebrows of women are considered symbol of beauty.
