Fact sheet

A table template is in the higher education and administrative language a short document of usually 1-2 pages in A4 format, which is provided to all listeners available before the beginning of a lecture. It aims to facilitate the recording of information, the following discussion and possibly following from the lecture decisions.

Handouts may take the form of a thesis paper that represent a table of contents, but also offer additional information ( such as figures ), which would delay the presentation too much. At universities, the shape depends on the usage of the institution, while in the administration according to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure and applications will be introduced as a handout.

As a " handout " in the strict sense applies a table template that is held in somewhat more detail than a thesis paper. It contains about 3-8 pages on the outline ( chapter) of the lecture, the main details and theses, some graphics, the literature and web directory and if possible also an outlook.

  • Pedagogical Method / teaching
  • Document
  • Documentation