Fahr's syndrome

The journey 's disease or Crohn's driving (also striatodentale calcification ) is a calcification of the basal ganglia of the brain, which is not due to arteriosclerotic processes. The disease was in 1931 by Theodor Fahr ( 1877-1945 ) first described.


The journey 's disease may occur sporadically or as a familial idiopathic frequent disease, autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance. Symptomatic may cause Crohn's driving in the context of hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism.


As an incidental finding this Basalganglienverkalkung 40% of people can only be described by those who have no symptoms. Eligibility as a disease is therefore also questioned to some extent.

In the symptomatic forms of headache, speech disturbance, a slowly progressive dementia and extrapyramidal symptoms are described. A correction of the calcium level can significantly improve the latter.
