
Fakelaki (Greek φακελάκι, also Fakellaki φακελλάκι, small envelope ' ) is a common Greek term for a specific form of corruption. In this case, the receiver discreet a sum of money in an envelope handed to achieve certain benefits or even just to be heard. To draw attention to the figurative sense, the word is sometimes quoted.

Widely used to be in the health Fakelakia: The doctor will bribed by patients to speed up the treatment or improve. Also in other parts of the Greek public life Fakelakia to be served, such as authorities to speed up administrative processes (eg building permits ), with the technical Inspection service or driving tests.

In Greece, the bad habit of fakelaki is criticized publicly for years. It is also reported on individual cases in which corrupt recipients were severely punished. The Greek section of Transparency International estimated that 2009 of 787 million euros Greek private bribes were paid. That would be converted to 10.8 million inhabitants 72.87 euros per head per year. For 2010, the total amount of bribes by Transparency International on 632 million euros and 2011 still estimated at 554 million euros, was where the cause of the decline in the economic crisis is considered.

The fakelaki is only one of several forms of corruption in Greece; nevertheless, the term, particularly in German-speaking media in publications on the causes of the perceived since 2009 Greek financial crisis to a topos, while in Greece as common, however, phonetically less distinctive term Rousfeti (Greek ρουσφέτι rüşvet of Turkish, bribe ') is hardly mentioned. The Greek Parliament President Filippos Petsalnikos criticized 2010, this coverage as exaggerated and said that he had never given a fakelaki and would never do so out of conviction.

The Greek Police switches under number 210-8779700 a hotline, this form of corruption can be reported to the cases. In general, it is recommended to inform before payment of a bribe the authorities so with marked bills present a proof. About the new nationwide number 11012 or [email protected] can also tax crimes, illegal actions of state officials and corruption in the public sector generally show anonymously.

Currently, a bill is being prepared after each recipient of a Bestechnungsgeldes must also pay to the legal condemnation of the 50 times the sum of the amount of punishment. Furthermore, cases of bribery allegation to be preferred before justice.

On the initiated by Christina Tremonti Internet platform edosafakelaki ("I have given fakelaki " ) may be reported where and when whom lubricant or bribes are paid. This site has become a veritable movement. Within a short time nearly 1,500 reports were listed and the fakelaki sum on this website has already reached more than five million euros.

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