
The fasciotomy (Latin fascis bundle, package, cut Greek temnein, ( decomposed ) share ), and fasciotomy is a surgical procedure to relieve the pressurized muscle compartments by separating the corresponding fascia. Primarily, the fasciotomy is used in the treatment of compartment syndrome, where they must be performed emergently. The fasciotomy has on rapid implementation of high success and low complication rates.


At the affected site is ( surgery, the only cuts into the skin, the underlying structures, but does not apply ), access to the fascia created by a skin incision. This is then divided, whereby there is a rapid pressure release of the anatomical structures located therein. The wound is not directly re-sealed, but left so that adequate protection of the fabric is guaranteed, without risking a new buildup of pressure. Only after reduction of the swelling by a secondary suture ( delayed wound closure ) is closed the fascia again. Under certain circumstances, to be necessary if the wound edges can not be adjusted without a pressure build-up a split-thickness skin graft.


  • Compartment syndrome
  • Dermatoliposclerosis
  • Intractable leg ulcers
  • Phlegmasia caerulea dolens


Through the skin incision leading to the formation of the scarred tissue. Depending on the predisposition, can come to keloids. Near the joint, a thickening of the scar tissue cause functional limitations. Furthermore, the incision can lead to the accidental damage to nerves.


  • Operative treatment procedures
  • Therapeutic procedures in surgery