Fawn-breasted Whistler

The Orpheus Dickkopf ( Pachycephala orpheus ) is a Southeast Asian representatives of passerines.


The Orpheus Dick head reaches a body length of about 14 cm. The skull of the male is mostly gray, with forehead, eyes glancing over reins and whitish- gray and the ear-coverts are reddish brown. The rest of the top is greenish olive brown with a yellow tinge on rump and upper tail-coverts, which can also be found on the brown feathers. Chin and throat are white, the rest of the underside brown beige with lighter flanks and lower abdomen. The coverts are yellow. The iris is dark brown and the beak is black. Females resemble the males, but the peak contrasts less clear to the back feathers. Birds in juvenile plumage show a dark dashed chest.

Distribution and habitat

The Orpheus thick head can be found as a breeding bird on the islands of Atauro, Jaco, Liran and Wetar and in large parts of the island of Timor. Here he is missing on the south coast between the towns of Kupang and Suai and on the north coast between Manatuto and Baucau. Although its distribution is limited only to the Timor and Wetar Endemic Bird Area, we classified it as not at risk. On Atauro there the common species colonized all habitats of cultural landscape over savannah with Eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus alba ) to dry or evergreen tropical forests.

Way of life

The main food consists of insects, which are probably looking primarily in the undergrowth and in the shrub layer. About the propagation nothing is known accurately. Young birds were observed in July and December.
