
The Ferrosur ( FSRR ) is a Mexican Railway Company. The company is Mexico City. The railway company is owned by the " Infraestructura y Transportes Mexico" (ITM ), a subsidiary of Grupo México.

The company drives on a route network of 2,093 km, that connects Mexico City with the ports of Veracruz, Campeche and Coatzacoalcos. On the 207 km long route to Salina Cruz she has rights. Through traffic on this route makes 65% of the greater part of the transport volume. One of the most important customer is the Volkswagen plant in Puebla. The most important goods transported are grain, cement, industrial products, petroleum chemicals and glass.


In 1995, the Mexican government decided to privatize the state-owned railway company Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México. This is not the entire network and the operation was privatized as a company, but it was many years operating rights to travel on certain rail networks advertised. For the route network in the south of the capital Mexico City ( Ferrocarril del Sureste ) received the consortium of Grupo Tribasa ( Triturados Basálticos y Derivados ), one of Mexico's largest construction companies, Banco Inbursa of Carlos Slim Helú and Omnitrax for $ 311 million contract for a concession over 50 years. On 29 June 1998, the company started operations. In September 1999, the Tribasa sold its 50 % stake in the mining company Grupo Carso Carlos Slim Helú of. Having already Omnitrax had submitted their minority interests, was now part of the Slim Ferrosur to 100 %. As a result, the share was transferred to two subsidiaries of Grupo Carso ( Empresas Frisco and Sinca Inbursa ).

As of 2002, began merger negotiations between the Grupo Carso and Grupo México, the principal owner of Ferromex, the largest Mexican Railway Company. Due to statutory regulations and the opposition of the Antimonopoly Committee, the implementation of the plan, however, dragged on. It was only on 25 November 2005 Ferrosur was taken over by the Grupo México. This took the form of a share exchange. Slim received for the sale of its shares in Ferrosur a 25.1% stake in Infraestructura y Transportes Mexico.

Ferrosur began after the award of the concession to improve by investing the route network and fleet to regain lost customers through better service. So now 38 locomotives GE AC4400CW series were acquired, so that now 25 % of the vehicle fleet no older than six years. On the routes to Veracruz and Coatzacoalcos the sidings were extended, installed security detectors and the use of double-decker container trains possible.
