
The Mannheim fire stylus is the only nationwide town clerk scholarship for children's and youth literature. The award is organized by the Public Library of Mannheim and is awarded by an independent jury. The literary award is given to a German -writing author since 2007 every two years and consists of a three-month, funded with € 3000 stay in the tower of the old fire station in Mannheim as well as an additional prize of 6,000 euros.

The prize is awarded for an artistically precious children or youth prose text, which has a reference to Mannheim. During the three-month stay in the city, the novel idea is to be developed.

Will be donated to the fire stylus from the Sponsors of the city and music library Mannheim, Heinrich- Vetter Foundation and the S. Fischer Verlag.

Award winners

  • 2007: Tamara Bach
  • 2009: Antje Wagner
  • 2011: Rike cleaner
  • 2013: Sasa Stanisic