
The fibroma is a benign mesenchymal tumor that arises by proliferation of fibrocytes. True fibroids often occur in the skin of the arms and legs as up to 1 cm wide rounded protrusion. Delineate them are Reizfibrome or fibroepithelial polyps arising mainly on the oral mucosa and signs of chronic inflammation or chronic mechanical stimulus condition are. Reizfibrome the gums are called epulis.

Hard fibroma

The hard fibroma ( fibroma durum) is fiber- rich or poor in cells and is referred to the skin as dermatofibroma, cutaneous nodule ( " skin nodes") or Fibrinous histiocytoma. Smooth transitions exist for cell richer histiocytoma, which is also seen in response to microtrauma such as insect bites and occurs mainly on the legs.

A special form is the keloid, which, rarely develops in predisposed than hyperplastic scar spontaneously.


Called The soft fibroma ( fibroma molle ) also known as fibroma pendulans, " pedunculated fibroma " or " pendelndes fibroma ", is rich in cells and in fibers or consisting of loose mesh- like arrangement of fibers. It is quite common and occurs mainly in the neck, eyes, armpit, buttocks and groin area.

More shapes and locations

  • The fibroma cavernosum or angiofibroma contains numerous, often dilated vessels. It occurs almost exclusively in young men. Common location is the nasopharynx.
  • The fibroma zysticum contains central softening or extended lymph vessels.
  • The fibroma myxomatodes, which is produced by liquefaction of the ground substance of connective tissue.
  • The Reizfibrom as a result of chronic inflammation or chronic mechanical stimulus.


With increased incidence of fibroids is called a " fibromatosis in the strict sense." The " fibromatosis in a broader sense " belongs inter alia, the desmoid, a semimalignant, fast-growing connective tissue tumor.


Fibroids are surgically removed and are to be subsequently examined cellular level, in order to distinguish from malignant sarcomas, for example, the malignant fibrous sarcoma.
