Finkenbach (Lutter)

The Finke Bach at the height of the field road

The Finke Bach is a 4.7 km long, orographic left tributary of Lutter in North Rhine-Westphalia Bielefeld.


The stream originates west of the road at the town wood on the railway embankment at an altitude of 99 m above sea level. NN. First, to the northwest flowing down the creek disappears after about 300 meters in a channel. East of the road at the town of wood and north of the road Hakenort he then comes back to the surface and flows in a northeasterly direction.

After 700 meters, open channel flow route, another takes the creek again. At the eastern end of the Althoffstraße the stream comes back to the surface. Next flowing in a northeasterly direction crosses the Finke Bach Kammerratheide. Here his running turns in an easterly direction.

According to the sources of the underflow is somewhat ambiguous. Under the water stationing map of NRW Finke stream flows to Vogteistraße and is then passed to the west of this south to the Lutter. This point has an altitude of 82 m above sea level. NN. After the German base map 1:5000 topographic map 1:10,000 and the Digital but the Finke river continues to flow in an easterly direction and flows west corner Straße also 79 m above sea level. NN in the Lutter.

With a height difference of 17 meters results in an average bed slope of 3.6 ‰. The 4.502 km ² large catchment area is drained by Lutter, Westfälische Aa, Werre, Weser to the North Sea through.

Water quality

The water quality of the creek Finke is located, according to the water quality report from 2008 in the upper reaches in a very dirty condition ( grade III ), but improved in the further course to grade II, which corresponds to a moderately loaded condition.
