First Chief Directorate

The Perwoje glawnoje Uprawlenije (Russian Первое главное управление, dt first head office) ( PGU) or First Directorate of the KGB was a department of the KGB, which has been responsible for foreign espionage, and until 1954 the Department of Foreign Intelligence Service of the political state police, the GPU.

Emerged the PGU 1952 from the previous political foreign intelligence service of the Soviet Union INO. In 1954 it was the newly founded KGB incorporated.

The PGU was until the end of the Soviet Union is the main foreign intelligence service. (: Central Intelligence Agency Central Well Sluzhba Raswedki, dt ) assumed that eventually the then newly founded Service and Foreign Intelligence (SWR ) rose in 1991 after dissolution of the Soviet Union, whose activities were initially from the ZSR.
