First Fandom

The term First fandom comes from the field of science fiction. It refers first of all, the whole body of the fandom ( fandom ) science fiction interested, which prior to the holding of the first Worldcon from July 2 to July 4 1939 at the Caravan Hall in New York, chaired by Sam Moskowitz were actively seeking the fandom.


On Easter weekend of 1959 was of science fiction fans, the so-called " Midwestcon " officially founded the organization First Fandom. The goal of this organization was and is to the fans to organize from the golden era of science fiction and those fans into active fandom to integrate them, who had left it. Membership was initially bound to an activity in fandom before the date and event mentioned above. Over time, however, other classes of membership have been created.

Basically, you can assume that everyone who has been involved for at least 30 years in the correspondence within the fandom, the Assembly activity or as a collector, someone who fanzines collected for these writes or those published, basically operated as an author or SF- organized fan clubs, it comes as an author or an active member for membership consideration.


The organization also annually awards two prizes in the field of science fiction literature:

Since 1976, the Hall of Fame Award was the first winner Harry Bates and since 1988 the Sam Moskowitz Archive Award was the first prize winner Christine Moskowitz.

The Hall of Fame Award is past or perpetual merits as a fan, author, publisher, artist or literary agent or a combination of these five categories in the genre for at least 30 years.

The Sam Moskowitz Archive Award is awarded for services of publishers of science fiction collections ( magazines).
