Fitchburg (Massachusetts)

Worcester County


Fitchburg is a city in the northeast of the U.S. state of Massachusetts.

It is part of Worcester County. To San Francisco it is to be the crookedest city in the United States. In 2000, there were 39.102 people.


The area around Fitchburg has been inhabited since 1730, the town was founded in 1764. It was named after the settler John Fitch, who was kidnapped with his family in 1748 by the Indians to Canada and returned a year later.

Located on the railway line between Boston and Albany, as well as the North Nashua River, the city in the 19th century could develop into an industrial center. Water mills produced machines, tools, clothing and paper. Fitchburg is known for its Victorian-style building that emerged at this time.

Sons and daughters of the city

  • Art Longsjo (1931-1958), cyclist and speed skater. Longsjo accident at the age of 26 years, fatal car. In his honor, the cycle race Fitchburg Longsjo Classic has been held since 1960, which now comprises four stages, is high class occupied since 1977 and is held for men and women. Among the winners are, inter alia, to Lance Armstrong, Zach Bell, Tyler Hamilton, Sarah Ulmer and Sue Novara. In addition, in place, a monument to nature Ljongso.


Fitchburg maintains with the following cities twinning:

  • Kleve ( Germany )
  • Kokkola (Finland )
  • Oni (Georgia)
  • Tianjin ( PR China)