Flight of the Amazon Queen

Flight of the Amazon Queen is a point-and- click adventure game by Interactive Binary Illusions. It was released in 1995 for MS- DOS, later followed by a version for Amiga.

Large became famous for the game after it was released on 16 March 2004 as freeware to support the then young ScummVM project and can now be played with the help of ScummVM on all current operating systems. It is very similar to the adventure games by Lucasfilm Games and LucasArts due to the game concept.

A separately contained in the CD -ROM version of the text adventure game, which contains spoilers, is also playable with ScummVM. Since it is not retrieved from the main game, it was little known.


Joe King is the owner of the freighter Amazon Queen, a Ford Trimotor. This time he has a special cargo on board. The actress Faye Russel is his passenger and will be flown by him and his mechanic Sparky to a location. In a terrible thunderstorm over the Amazon jungle, the Amazon Queen is struck by lightning and crashes. In the Jungle King must save the world from the mad plans of the evil Dr. Eisenstein ...


Joe King

The hero of the game is called Joe King and you can hire him as a pilot. He is the captain of the Amazon Queen, a rickety, but still spry aircraft. He and his adolescent transport, comic - fonder mechanic Sparky packages and passengers. Joe has a girl in every port and knows how to deal with women. His name is a pun on the English word joking.

Dr. Eisenstein

Frank Eisenstein ( Dr. Frank Iron Stone ) is the crazy villain of the game. Joe King has his megalomaniac plans to achieve world domination with the help of his Dino - Ray, frustrate you. The Dino -Ray is a ray gun that people can mutate into half - dinosaur. Eisenstein wants to build the gun a dinosaur army to achieve his goal.

Faye Russel

The movie star Faye Russel is Joe's favorite actress. Joe they should take at the beginning of the action with the Amazon Queen. His closest competitor in the airline business, the Dutchman Hans Anderson, however, has already thrown an eye on them.

Bob Chandler

Bob leads a grocer shop in a pygmy village. He helps Joe in the liberation of Azura. In the talkie version of the game Bob is spoken by actor Christoph Waltz.


The aircraft, which fly the protagonists of Belief & Betrayal from England to France, also bears the name Amazon Queen.
