Florbela Espanca

Florbela de Alma da Conceição Espanca ( born December 8, 1894 in Vila Viçosa, † December 8, 1930 in Matosinhos ) was a Portuguese poet.


Florbela Espanca was born in modest circumstances in 1894 in Vila Viçosa ( Alentejo region ). She was an illegitimate child. In 1917 she finished high school, in 1919 she was divorced from her first husband. They then went to Lisbon to begin a study of jurisprudence. 1919 published her first book, the poetry collection Livro de Magoas ( Book of Sorrows ), which, however, was unsuccessful. In the same year was the second marriage broke down. Later, she went even a third marriage. My late brother Apeles 1927, she adored, took in their lives and work of a great importance.

On December 8, 1930 Florbela Espanca died by suicide.

Her work is characterized by melancholy and sadness, of melancholy and Lebensekel and weariness. They may well be called the " female Pessoa ". She has written all her life. Writing was something Pathological wholesome with her. Your latent melancholy was it that drove her to her death.

Works (selection)

  • Livro de Magoas. sn, Lisbon 1919 ( Book of Sorrows ), book of poetry.
  • Livro de Soror Saudade. Sonetos. Self Publishing, Lisbon 1923 (Book of melancholy sister ), book of poetry.
  • Charneca em Flor. Sonetos. Grafica Conimbricense, Coimbra 1931 ( Blooming heather ), poetry book ( posthumously ).