Florestano Pepe

Florestano Pepe ( born March 4, 1778 in Squillace, Calabria, † April 3, 1851 in Naples) was a Neapolitan General.

Pepe became an officer, came in 1799 in the service of the Neapolitan Republic, then in the French-Italian Legion. In 1801 he returned to Naples, and went in 1809 as Chief of the General Staff of the Neapolitan Division to Spain and made 1812 the Russian campaign Napoleon with. Recently, he worked in a managerial position. After he was released from the Russian prisoner of war, he fought in 1814 and 1815 for Murat.

In 1820 he was commissioned by Francis I, the subjugation of Sicily and provided for the submission of Palermo. He then resigned because he did not agree with the violent measures adopted by the Government. In 1821 he withdrew entirely from public life.

Florestano Pepe died on April 3, 1851 in Naples.
