Fomes fomentarius

Tinder fungus ( Fomes fomentarius )

The tinder fungus ( Fomes fomentarius ) is a species of fungus in the family Stielporlingsverwandten ( Polyporus ). It attacks weakened deciduous trees, especially beech and birch, and forms on the trunks thick, inversely console -shaped fruiting bodies. The perennial structures can reach up to 30 cm in diameter. The crusty top is light gray or pale brownish in color and finely zoned. The tubes on the bottom are brown in color and are often layered several times.

The name of the Porlings emerged from the former use as tinder. In addition, hemostatic wound dressings were made ​​of him until the 19th century. In Romania, the Trama is processed into a leather-like material still to be made ​​of the artful for the tourist market, hats, bags and the like. Otherwise, the tinder fungus has economically irrelevant.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The tinder fungus is perennial, console -like fruiting bodies, which can be up to 30 years old. You can reach a width of 10 to 30 cm, in exceptional cases up to 60 inches wide and up 20 centimeters thickness and height. However, at Birch it is usually much smaller. With increasing age and consumption of colonized substrate of the annual growth is low, so that there are relatively high, horseshoe-shaped fruiting bodies. A similar observation can be done with increasing height on the substrate at fruiting bodies.

The fruiting bodies are oberseits light to dark gray, older fruit body can be almost black. Boy, not yet wintered fruiting bodies are colored yellow to reddish brown as the growth zone of older plants. The surface of the fruit body is concentric Grooves furrowed up and covered with a hard crust that turns blood red with potassium hydroxide by the dye Fomentariol.

The often slightly curved inwards bottom of the scale sponge consists of a smooth, gray - brown to ocher pore layer. The pores are thick-walled and rounded; in a section of one millimeter are two to four pores. Under pressure they turn light brown. The tubes are arranged in layers. These zones correspond - as well as the growth zones of the surface - the spurts of growth of the fungus. Can be closed to the age of the fruiting body, since several such episodes occur each year (often two per year ), may consist of the number of layers does not.

In the interior of the fungus is the mycelium of soft Myzelialkerns. This is surrounded by a relatively thin Tramaschicht, which also extends over the entire area under the crust. The Trama turns black with potassium hydroxide. Like other arboreal species of fungi also shows the Zunderschwamm the geotropism, that is, newly overgrowing fruit layers are aligned with the bottom of the ground. Makes a fruiting body after the toppling of the host tree new fruit layers, these are formed by about 90 ° with respect to the already existing one.

Microscopic characteristics

The Tinder has a composed of three forms Hyphensystem ( trimitisch ), consisting of generative hyphae and binding hyphae Skeletthyphen. The former are cylindrical, thin-walled and hyaline; the septa ( partitions of the hyphae ) have buckles. The binding and Skeletthyphen other hand, are thick-walled and colored yellow to light golden brown. The binding hyphae are branched and Skeletthyphen not or hardly available. There are no cystidia.

The basidia have a club-shaped form and a buckle at the base. They are hyaline and have four spores. These are cylindrical to long ellipsoidal shaped and 15-22 × 4:4-7 microns in size. They are hyaline, inamyloid and have a smooth surface. The spore powder is white.


The tinder may be confused with species of the genus Lackporlinge. However, these often possess a strong brown colored Hutoberseite; the pores turn brown on pressure. A strong differentiating factor are the warty spores to smooth the tinder fungus. The fire sponges may look like him. They are distinguished by their solid, wood -like consistency with non- depressible Hutkruste. In addition, there is a similarity with the Rotrandigen tree sponge, which is, however, usually found in coniferous wood and has a lighter Trama and non-discoloring pores.


The tinder fungus is a weak parasite and Saprobiont to hardwoods, very rarely on conifers. Main substrate of the scale sponge in Central Europe is the European beech, birch and poplar trees next to be inhabited, but it may also occur in other deciduous trees. In Europe, there is a north-south distribution of the main substrate, in the south of the continent Fagus is found as the main host, in the north birch species, this substrate boundary falls in Germany approximately with the northern edge of the mountain range together. Fruiting bodies at all stages of wood decay fungus.

The tinder fungus is a typical inhabitant of older stocks. Preferred types of forests are beech, fir - beech and book rich hornbeam oak forests. In bogs, heaths and old birch stands, he may be found. Less commonly, the fungus is, however, on shaded slopes and alder riparian forests.

The tinder fungus invades its host trees on branches and trunk wounds, and causes an intense white rot in the heartwood, which can often break into several meters of the infested tree. The Tinder can still live longer than Saprobiont the dead substrate.


The Tinder, along with India and Pakistan especially widespread Holarctic, where he meridional occurs to boreal. In Asia, North America and Europe, the fungus is widespread. He is also found in North Africa and the Canary Islands. In Europe, the tinder fungus is found everywhere.

About the frequency and endangering the scale sponge go divergent views in the literature, while Krieglsteiner 3 (yet often, but with a strong tendency to decrease ) classifies it into the hazard group G, it is described in other publications as common. The reason for the decline is seen by Krieglsteiner especially the strong forestry rejuvenation of forests. In addition, the decline of old and sick deciduous trees that are removed due to their poor condition, and the Umforsten in coniferous stands, the lowering of the groundwater, the intensification of agriculture and urbanization. In southern Germany, he is in uncultivated forests of the most common fungus in intensively managed forest areas he lacks, however, entirely.


As early as the Neolithic period was the loosely - felted middle layer of the fungus, called Trama, processed to scale (see Ötzi ). Through this use of the mushroom got its name. Scale sponges were found about in the Swedish Stilt Alvastra and Schussenrieder wet soil settlement Ehrenstein at Ulm.

In modern times, these hyphae was in a complex process soaked, cooked, knocked, placed in nitric acid solution, urine and dried. This gave a reddish-brown felt-like mass, which began to glow immediately by incident sparks. Untreated scale is processed in the Middle Ages and modern times even to the west, and caps. In addition, he was sold to the 19th century as a hemostatic wound dressing under the name Fungus chirurgorum (so-called wound sponge) in pharmacies. The demand for the scale sponges was so high at this time that the fungus has been temporarily imported from Scandinavia, Bohemia and Hungary, and was in some areas of Germany rarity.

Today, the economic interest in the tinder fungus is low. He is essentially only decorative use in floral arrangements, wreaths and plants arrangement. In Romania, caps, hats, bags, dolly - doilies and other objects are produced for the tourist market yet.

From forestry importance is the tinder fungus as one of the most important and common Weißfäuleerreger to Book which can cause particularly in connection with the Book - cortical necrosis damage.

The Tinder fungus was the year 1995.

