Foreign Languages Press

Publisher of Foreign Literature ( Chinese: Wàiwén chūbǎnshè外文 出版社) in Beijing is part of the official language of China. He is responsible for the issuance and publication of Chinese literature, as well as teaching and dictionaries.

The precursor of the publishing house was founded in November 1949 after the model of the publishing house for Foreign Literature in Moscow. It received its present name on July 1, 1952, he was made the central organ for the publication of foreign-language books and magazines.

Besides political texts such as the works of Mao Zedong and other Chinese leaders translated and published, the publisher also Chinese Fiction and Marxist classics in several dozen languages, including German. He employed a number of native-language editors and translators, including coming from Austria Ruth White, Fritz Jensen and Ernst Schwarz, the German Kathe Zhao, Harry Thürk, Friedemann Berger and Ernst Zorer, the Frenchwoman Denise Ly- Lebreton, the Englishwoman Gladys Yang (b. Tayler ) and originating from the USA Sidney Shapiro and Betty Chandler.

The publisher New World ( Xin Shijie chūbǎnshè新世界 出版社) is a subsidiary of the publishing house for foreign-language literature. 1986 Publisher Sinolingua ( Huáyǔ jiàoxué chūbǎnshè华语 教学 出版社) for Chinese language textbooks and the publisher Dolphin Books ( Hǎitún chūbǎnshè海豚 出版社) were established for children's literature as subsidiaries.
