Fouad Ibrahim

Fouad Naguib Ibrahim ( born December 3, 1938 in Damanhur, Egypt ) is a German - Egyptian geographer, emeritus professor of geography at the University of Bayreuth. Foaud Ibrahim is known for his book published in the Scientific Society of Egypt Länderkunde a wider audience. In professional circles, he is known for his Darfur studies - in particular is his habilitation thesis to call " desertification in North Darfur ", which has introduced the Desertifikationsbegriff from French and English into the German -speaking geography and agronomy.


  • Egypt: [ geography, history, economy, politics ] together with Barbara Ibrahim, Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchges, 2006 - xiv, 224 p: .. Ill., Kt, graph. Darst; 270 mm x 210 mm; ( German ), ISBN 3-534-17420-8
  • Desertification in North Darfur: Investigating the nature of the hazard potential due to inappropriate land use practices in the Sahel region of the Republic of Sudan / by Fouad N. Ibrahim. In conjunction with d Institute of Geography and Economic Geography d Univ. Hamburg. Hamburg:. Hirt, 1980 - XIII, 175 S.: Ill. 16, 42 graph. Darst and Kt Kt & Hatchet (6 pp. ); ( German ) (Hamburger geographical studies; 35)