Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function

In computer science, FNV is an algorithm for the generation of cluster values ​​over data fields: a so-called hash function. Last name giver of the FNV are abbreviation Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Phong Vo, who developed the algorithm together. FNV meets all the criteria of a good hashing function and finds wide use everywhere where large amounts of data are processed, as well as speed and reliability are required, such as in DN- systems, databases and e- mail servers. FNV but not suitable for cryptographic use.

Hash functions

A hash function reads a data field, such as a string or a file and offset byte for byte the field so that a unique key value is generated as possible to the data field - a kind of numerical compression of the field. The "magic trick" is the use of prime numbers.

With key values ​​associated data or data sets can be indexed in data structures and thus find faster; see binary tree, B- tree, AVL tree, hash table. In addition, data can be verified using the scattering values ​​integrity such as consistency; because on the same field, the same key value is always produced - as long as box and algorithm remain exactly the same; see Cyclic Redundancy Check.

FNV implementation, 64 - bit key

Typedef unsigned long long uint64;   typedef unsigned char uchar;     uint64 fnFNV (const void * pBuffer, size_t nByteLen )   {     uint64 nHashVal = 0xcbf29ce484222325ULL,            nMagicPrime = 0x00000100000001b3ULL;       const uchar * pFirst = ( uchar *) pBuffer,          * pLast = pFirst nByteLen;       while ( pFirst < pLast )     {       nHashVal ^ = * pFirst ; / / Bitwise XOR: nHashVal = nHashVal ^ * pFirst       nHashVal * = nMagicPrime;     }     return nHashVal;   } Shown here is the recommended version of FNV -1a of the algorithm in the C programming language in the original version of FNV -1 operations XOR and multiplication inside the loop are only reversed.


For each key width exists an associated prime grade alone. If a narrower or wider key value required, the prime value must be adjusted in order to continue to achieve good Streuwertbitverteilung.


  • Landon Curt Noll FNV