François Alfonsi

François Alfonsi ( born September 14, 1953 in Ajaccio, Corsica ) is a French politician of the Corsican nationalist party PNC and Member of the European Parliament.

Alfonsi is active since the 1970s in the Corsican nationalism and was for a long time Chairman of the Corsican People's Union, which merged into the PNC 2002. 1987 Alfonsi was elected to the Corsican Regional Assembly. Since 2002 he has been mayor of the Corsican community Osani.

In the European elections in France in 2009 Alfonsi occurred on the Europe Écologie list, which also included the French Open, and achieved a seat in the European Parliament. It is thus by Max Simoni ( 1989-94 ), the second Corsican nationalist who elected to the European Parliament. Since the PNC at the European level is a member of the European party European Free Alliance, is Alfonsi joined the fraction of the Greens / European Free Alliance in the European Parliament. He is also a member of the Committee on Regional Development and in the Delegation to the ACP -EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly and the delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. As Deputy member he is in the Budget Committee, the Committee on Culture and Education and the delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union.
