Franz Heinrich Zitz

Franz Heinrich chintz ( born November 18, 1803 in Mainz, † April 30, 1877 in Munich) was a German politician and member of the National Assembly in the Frankfurt St. Paul's Church.


Franz chintz was the son of wine merchant Franz Ferdinand chintz and his first wife Barbara nee Schneider Henn. Franz chintz, the Catholic denomination was, studied law at Giessen and Göttingen. In Giessen, he was in 1822 a member of the Corps Rhenaniastraße. After the Doctorate in Law. in Giessen, he worked as a lawyer in Alzey and Mainz. In Alzey, he joined the Masonic Lodge Carl to the new light, and was elected speaker of the lodge. In Mainz he was involved in the Carnival Association (1843-1844 President of the Mainzer Carneval -Verein 1838 eV ), which is largely politicized under his presidency. With the Mainz writer Katinka chintz - Halein he was married for several years since 1837.

1848 that chintz at the Grand Ducal Hessian government in Darmstadt successful for the requirements of the March Revolution. While a large public meeting on March 8, 1848 chintz made ​​a speech from the March demands from the balcony of the theater, which ended with a high on " freedom, order and legality ." He was the leader of the Mainz Democrats and colonel of the Civil Guard. At the first meeting of the District Council of Rheinhessen, on 29 November 1848 he was elected as its president.

In the 11th legislature ( 1847-1849 ) he was a member of the second chamber of the Estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse. In the Estates, he represented the electoral district of the city of Mainz.

In the election for the National Assembly, he received 214 of 296 votes. He belonged there soon the radical left wing of that fraction Thunder Mountain. On 1 March 1849 he resigned from the National Assembly, as it was this too moderate.

He participated in 1849 in collaboration with Ludwig Bamberger at the Imperial Constitution campaign (Baden and the Palatinate ) to the top of the Rhinehessen Freikorps. After the defeat of the revolutionaries, he emigrated to the USA where he worked with Julius Froebel as a lawyer, in 1857 he was able to return to Germany after an amnesty.
