
Flavius ​​Fravitta ( Fravitus; † around 402/ 03 ) was a late ancient Roman army master ( magister militum ) Gothic descent.

The noble Fravitta was among the Goths, who were of the Emperor Theodosius I 382 located on the lower Danube as federates. He was probably still a young man, but already tribal leaders. As some 391 Goths rebelled, Fravitta held to the Romans and fought against Eriulf, who had risen against Rome. Unlike many other " barbarian " generals of Germanic origin remained loyal Fravitta his life against the Roman state, even though he had to fight against old tribesmen over time. He was also married to a Roman woman and entered the assimilation of the Goths in the Roman Empire.

395 Well, he was appointed Master of the Soldiers and fought in the East against predators. In the year 400 he saved the Emperor Arcadius, by ' crushed the rebellion Gainas and again kept order in Thrace. As a reward, he was allowed to continue in his pagan cult practices. 401 he held the consulate, but was caught shortly afterwards in the power struggles at the imperial court in Constantinople Opel, unjustly accused of treason and eventually executed.
