Fray Marcos

Fray Marcos on the map of Uruguay

Fray Marcos is a village in Uruguay.


Fray Marcos is located on the territory of the department of Florida in its sector 2 in the Cuchilla del Chamizo. To the south extends beyond the boundary formed by the nearby Río Santa Lucía to Nachbardepartamento Canelones the Cuchilla del Vejigas. And is bordered Fray Marcos from west flowing Arroyo Gande Chamizo and the eastbound Arroyo Latorre. The latter flows south of the village in the Río Santa Lucía. Closest settlements on Departamentogebiet in the West Chamizo and Casupá in the Northeast. In the immediate vicinity is also located south of the city in Canelones Bolívar.


On July 5, 1956 Fray Marcos was the legal regulation of the Ley no. 12,297 classified as Villa.


Through the village leads the Ruta 7, meets here the Ruta 94. In addition, the railway line runs Montevideo - Nico Pérez by Fray Marcos.


The inhabitants of Fray Marcos is 2,398 (as of 2011), of which 1,150 male and 1,248 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
