Fréchet distribution

The Fréchet distribution is a continuous distribution on the positive real numbers, which uses a real positive real scaling parameter. It is named after the French mathematician Maurice René Fréchet.

Distribution and density functions

The Fréchet distribution has a real parameter > 0, the distribution function

The corresponding density function is

Moments and median

Below is a Fréchet - distributed random variable and the gamma function.


The median is

Existence of moments

The k-th moments of the Fréchet distribution exactly exist if > k

Expected value

The expectation value


The variance is


The skewness is


The kurtosis is

Connection with other distributions

Is Fréchet distribution with parameters, so is Gumbel distributed with parameters and.

According to the theorem of Fisher - Tippet can converge a standardized, non- degenerate extreme value distribution only against one of three generalized extreme value distribution ( GEV), one of which is the Fréchet distribution.

