Free Catalan Territory

As a Free Catalan territory (in Catalan Territori Català Lliure ) to denote those communities and regions of Catalonia, who consider the Spanish legislation as provisional until the Catalan government and the Catalan Parliament will set up their own legislation after reaching independence from the Spanish state.

The term " Free Catalan territory" was chosen by the city councils of the small town of Sant Pere de Torello, making this community 3 September 2012 was the first who gave himself this status. Since then, more than 190 communities have joined.

The declarations have only symbolic meaning and has no legal force. They can be seen in the context of the increasingly volatile situation in Catalonia, where one feels in the face of negative balances of payments to Spain and reinforced by the strong economic and financial crisis in Spain since 2009/10 disadvantaged by the Spanish central government in Madrid still in risk is greater.
