Free Centre

HaMerkas HaChofschi (Hebrew המרכז החופשי, Free Centre Party ) was a party in Israel and one of the predecessors of the Likud.

The party was founded on March 29, 1967 in the elections in 1965, when Shmuel Tamir the Herut together with Eliezer Schostak and Avraham Tiar left after there had been disagreements with Menachem Begin.

Before the elections, joined Shlomo Cohen- Tzidon the party, who had previously left the Gahal. In the elections, the party won 1.2% of the vote and two seats in the Knesset deputies were Tamir and Shostak.

In 1974, an internal dispute brought the deputies Eliezer Schostak and Ehud Olmert to leave the party and form a new party. Another dispute moved the deputies Shmuel Tamir and Akiva Nof to leave the Likud and founding the party HaMerkas HaChofschi on October 26, 1976 new. The party was dissolved, as at January 25, 1977 Shmuel Tamir and Akiva Nof went over to Tnu'a Demokratit LeSchinui.

